Week 10. Oh dear. A few more weeks until swotvac pops up and bam, exams. There really isn't enough time in a day. At this point in time, I feel attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis if I took the usual 4. Uni has reached that time of the semester where the library is packed at 9pm, unlike how it usually is at the start of the semester. People have started cramming and assignments are due either during the last week or during swotvac. Thanks a lot, lecturers! :\
In other news, the hermit crabs in my group are slowly dropping off, one by one, and nobody knows why. Our lecturer, Geoff, and supervisor, Ben, have told us that the crabs are very sensitive to environmental changes, so we shouldn't be too devastated if half of the original batch ends up dying during the experimental period. While that's all fine and dandy, it still saddens me whenever we come across a fallen soldier. Just the other day, I was holding a crab over the ethanol burner because that's how we've been getting them to crawl out of their shells, and after some time, it just stopped moving altogether and wasn't responsive to any pokes or gentle pulls on its legs. I was pretty devastated when that happened, because although I'd been present when the other crabs died, I wasn't the one directly responsible for their deaths. A couple of my groupmates carried out the last leg of our experiment today and apparently 7 crabbies were found dead in one of the main tubs. GAH. RIP, little ones. I wish we knew how to take better care of you (but we followed all the instructions from various websites!!!!!!!!!!!!!)... and thank you for giving us unexpected results from the experiment.
Anyway, after reading a friend's blog post and seeing my name following a few sentences on gratitude a while ago, I'm feeling quite happy. It's nice to know that I'm not as crappy a friend/person as I think I am. At least I'm doing something right. And it's nice to be acknowledged for it. Most days, I feel like I'm a terrible person, not of much use to my friends who need someone to talk to. I have drifted apart from a few friends due to my newish lack of interest in gossiping (it has taken a lot of effort but why waste time and energy talking about other people's lives?), and I see myself as a bad listener. I always expect my friends to be willing to listen to my rants but I feel like I never return the favour. I'm not sure if many other people feel the same way. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself.
I should've blogged about JOM! Festival but it was a while back and I feel like it's too late to blog about it. Other events that have happened recently include today's SOLS vs staff Ultimate match, which was fun to watch. The students won, obviously (hah)... And there was this film screening outside Lazenby's, which was quite interesting, I guess. The real reason I went was for the food, though, hahaha. That being said, I ate chicken for the first time in about a week and now I feel really ill. Hmm. At least I got pancakes, though. Pancakes make everything better. Anyway, I should probably get back to my assignments.
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